Greetings from la Zone

Once, while I was walking between the river and the highspeed in Reims (France) I found a tree growing through the mesh of a metal gate. 

Suddenly this thing I had seen thousands of times, made complete sense with the research I carried out about materiality morphing and everyday life anthropology,  at this time. In this tree and this grid, I saw a symbol of our partitionning society.

For this project I’ve worked on the materiality of the transitions zones between city, industrial surroundings, and countryside. Starting this project by physically scanning my environnement by collecting materials in differents areas. Then I took industrial metal clippers with me and went to a forest to try different compositions. I also bring back big woody elements to the workshop and worked with other industrial parts (aluminium fences, tubes...). 

Greetings from la Zone full Collection 

Details (clic on objects for more infos) 

Tripod Lamp
Aster Lustre
Lamp 7
Doggy Seat 

© Alexis Thébaud  2024